Attention Lectors!
Beginning with the new schedule – Sept. 7/8, Lector 1 will read the Intentions (Prayers of the Faithful) at the cantor’s lectern immediately following the Creed (“I believe in God . . .”).
Please review these intentions ahead of time to be as comfortable with them as you are with the readings you proclaim -- particularly the names of those for whom the Mass is being said.
Go to the lectern when the Creed begins.
Now, more than ever, Lectors, please don't go to your seat until you know the other Lector is there. If they do not show, you will have to prepare the scriptural proclamation as well as the opening announcement and intentions.
Beginning with the new schedule – Sept. 7/8, Lector 1 will read the Intentions (Prayers of the Faithful) at the cantor’s lectern immediately following the Creed (“I believe in God . . .”).
Please review these intentions ahead of time to be as comfortable with them as you are with the readings you proclaim -- particularly the names of those for whom the Mass is being said.
Go to the lectern when the Creed begins.
Now, more than ever, Lectors, please don't go to your seat until you know the other Lector is there. If they do not show, you will have to prepare the scriptural proclamation as well as the opening announcement and intentions.